The app “Homeless”, makes it possible for Danish companies to offer homeless people in Denmark donation of meals. Companies can offer excess food from the catered lunch or cafeteria to the homeless. The homeless people get a meal without collecting leftovers from the city’s trash can and the companies earn goodwill and avoid foodwaste. This strengthens a company’s CSR profile.

karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, homeless, concept, caption, app



“Global Problem Solver Challenge”

My focus

Prototyping, user journeys and UX design

Period of development

December 2018 /January 2019
3 weeks​


In Denmark the number of homeless people is rising and companies keep throwing out way to much leftover food. I wanted to make a digital concept that could serve both target groups.

The Concept

My study group and I initially designed the concept for homeless people in Denmark and private donors. For my exam in 5th semester I redesigned the concept to target company donors instead of private donors. The concept is the same – donating leftover food to homeless people and avoiding food waste. As a homeless person you are able to log in using a specific ID and start searching for donations nearby. As a company using this app, you are able to publish the numbers of meals that you want to donate, pick-up-adress and pick-up-time. I sketched the several user journeys below from the company’s point of view aswell as for the homeless.  

User journey / Company

karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, homeless, concept, user, journey

User journey in app / Company

karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, homeless, concept, user, journey, company, number
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, homeless, concept, user, journey, company, date
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, homeless, concept, user, journey, company, adress
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, homeless, concept, user, journey, company, donation, meal
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, homeless, concept, user, journey, company, confirmation
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, homeless, concept, user, journey, company, confirmation
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, homeless, concept, user, journey, company, confirmation
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, homeless, concept, user, journey, company, donation, list

User journey in app / Homeless

karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, homeless, concept, user, journey, homeless, meal
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, homeless, pretotyping, fake, door, testing


For my exam I thought about how willing companies are to use an app like “Homeless” and how it would be possible to test this in a cheap and time efficient way. Therefore I presented this Mock-up of a “Fake door” – test. A good indication of whether companies would use the app, will be if they actively signs up for using it. 


I also thought about the companies’ ability to choose whether or not they want to subcribe to a packaging deal from “Homeless”. In relation to the packaging in which the food is delivered, one must consider whether to put the app’s logo on it, as the packaging can end up as waste laying in the streets, and in this way sending a negative signal of “Homeless” as a brand. On the other hand, the broad brand / approach and create visibility about goodwill. Considering this I tried to design a packaging that encourages to recycling. 

karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, homeless, prototyping, packaging

Client Feedback

We recieved quite positive feedback from two business professionals who were invited our pitch. Our concept was judged based on four parametres by the professionals. Understanding the business, implementation, solving a problem and technological creativity. They we’re very exited about the app being an easy way of donation food from the company to the homeless people. One even said that she had been looking for an app for that exact purpose. They’d experienced having a lot of left over food in their respective workplaces and saw a realistic opportunity of implementation. 


Own Perspective

The concept of the “Homeless” app does not solve the growing homeless problem in Denmark, but can be a medium for people who are hard-pressed in society. All of the illustrations and mock-ups above are ideas of product development, advertising and test.

The distributor of the Homeless app could be, as described in our documentation, an organisation such as “SAND – De Hjemløses Landsorganiation” or another NGO. 


I'm Karoline.
I'm a Digital Concept Developer.

+45 29 21 46 14

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