As the first project on Digital Concept Developement we designed a new concept for This concept evolved around changing the habits in everydaylife. Our approach was a digital web application based on machine learning, designed to costumize the final product to the costumers wishes and needs.
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User research, User experience, Divergent and Convergent Thinking, Generating ideas
September 2018 - 2 weeks
Focus on identifying new opportunities to support everyday habit structure
The concept minimizes the costumer pain points of time and money used on online shopping. The convenient web app, simplifies the user experience through machine learning, and meets the values and needs of the costumer. was quite positive about the idea about simplifying the user journey of online grocery shopping. They saw the possibility of using machine learing to optimize their online service. A concern about “death by form” was taken into conzideration.
Finally, we considered how the solution could be optimized in relation to change the costumer’s everyday habits. This concept requires that the user himself takes the initiative and is the “tricker” to using this solution. Saying this, this concept could ideally be part of a main concept, designed fit into the daily habits of the costumer.
MICRO WEBSHOP Wine and dine During the “Digital content” course, I designed a microshop, using the WordPress theme “Page Builder Framework” and the “Elementor” plugin. Furthermore I got acquainted with YOAST plugin for SEO. For this site I wrote all of the content and photographed and edited the images myself. I decided to make a […]
DIGITAL CONCEPT / APP Homeless The app “Homeless”, makes it possible for Danish companies to offer homeless people in Denmark donation of meals. Companies can offer excess food from the catered lunch or cafeteria to the homeless. The homeless people get a meal without collecting leftovers from the city’s trash can and the companies earn […]
REDESIGN OF SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE Innovative User Experience Project During my last semester on KEA I was a User Experience Designer Intern at Kruso where I worked as a part of the UX team to redesign a complex software for (now This project is protected by an NDA. Details Client Sustainability Consulting, Software and Data […]