This project is a redesign of we made for our 3rd semester exam. Artmoney is for users interested in making art and being able to use it as payment. The redesigned website is about making the concept of Artmoney understandable to new users. It is also about creating a digital platform for all the different artists and their unique pieces of art.
Art project
Visual design, UI, Frontend development, WordPress, WP API
September / November 2017
DIGITAL CONCEPT / APP Rockwool Wecraft This project was about creating a new solution that can streamline logistics and workflow at construction sites. Rockwool wanted a solution that focuses on the transition between transport and delivery of building materials and handling of materials at the construction site. This solution should help prevent errors and misunderstandings […]
DIGITAL CONCEPT / APP Homeless The app “Homeless”, makes it possible for Danish companies to offer homeless people in Denmark donation of meals. Companies can offer excess food from the catered lunch or cafeteria to the homeless. The homeless people get a meal without collecting leftovers from the city’s trash can and the companies earn […]
DIGITAL CONCEPT / WEB APP As the first project on Digital Concept Developement we designed a new concept for This concept evolved around changing the habits in everydaylife. Our approach was a digital web application based on machine learning, designed to costumize the final product to the costumers wishes and needs. Details Client […]