Trustpilot is a consumer review website. The site is free for consumers and it offers freemium services to businesses. The target group for this project is “Non tech-savvy business owners of a small company (less than 15 employees) with a company website using the Free Business Platform.




Consumer Review Platform

My focus

Google Venture Sprint, UX and UI design, Prototyping, User journeys

Period of development

April 2019
1 week


The case for this project was about making the onboardnig flow for businesses less complicated and easier to complete 

Google Ventures Sprint

We used the Google Ventures Sprint as framework for the project. 

karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, trustpilot, onboarding, flow, google, venture, sprint
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, trustpilot, onboarding, flow, google, venture, sprint

Long Term Goal,
Sprint Questions

How Might We Post'its

karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, trustpilot, onboarding, flow, google, venture, sprint, user, journey, map
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, trustpilot, onboarding, flow, google, venture, sprint, user, journey, map
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, trustpilot, onboarding, flow, google, venture, sprint, user, journey, sketching

Lightning demos,
The Four-Step Sketch,
Crazy 8's and more

Sticky decision,
Make a storyboard

karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, trustpilot, onboarding, flow, google, venture, sprint, user, journey, flow, sketching
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, trustpilot, onboarding, flow, google, venture, sprint, user, journey, flow, sketching

"Before" and "After" map


karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, trustpilot, onboarding, flow, google, venture, sprint, before, map


karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, trustpilot, onboarding, flow, google, venture, sprint, after, map

Client Feedback

We recieved quite positive feedback fromTrustpilot UX and development team. They expressed their excitement about the visualization of the “before” and “after”- map, and the visualization of the current dead ends in our process.
They told us that this prototype matches their values of transparency very well and that they are actually discussing the company categories internally and they would like to consider the headline feature to be a part of a new solution. 

Future suggestions

Based on our tests it was clear to us that users were uncertain why they would have to create a very heavy password for their Trustpilot business account. 

Since some user tend to be frustrated about too many critiria for making a password, it might be usefull to cut down on criterias. This could be a solution for those users who unatendently ends up in the “forgot your password”-flow  and avoid additional frustration and bouncing.

Users expressed

“I don’t see why this password would have to be just as important as the one for my bank account”


I'm Karoline.
I'm a Digital Concept Developer.

+45 29 21 46 14

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