For my final exam as a multimediadesigner, my study group and I designed and developed a solution for Grønbechs Hotel on Bornholm. The company wanted to offer their guests a unique experience to differentiate themselves from their nearby competitors. Therefore, this solution is a guide with personalized recommendations and favorites from the Grønbechs Hotels personel.
UX, UI, Visual design, Digital Concept, Understanding business
May - June 2018
ONBOARDING FLOW Bachelor project Continuing the work from my internship I worked to create an onboarding flow, to introduce new users to the new Saas tool for (now This project is protected by an NDA. Details Client Sustainability Consulting, Software and Data My focus Collecting data, dataprocessing, research, interaction- and navigationprinciples, user flows, designpriciples wireframing, […]
HANDMADE TYPOGRAPHY Outrage I designed my own typography during the “Digital content” course. This is designed for the outlaw-archetype. I used a blade from a utility knife and black paint on white paper. This created an destructive, destroyed and chaotic expression. Furthermore I designed a couple of posters with the font (look futher down) Details […]
DIGITAL CONCEPT / APP Homeless The app “Homeless”, makes it possible for Danish companies to offer homeless people in Denmark donation of meals. Companies can offer excess food from the catered lunch or cafeteria to the homeless. The homeless people get a meal without collecting leftovers from the city’s trash can and the companies earn […]