During my last semester on KEA I was a User Experience Designer Intern at Kruso where I worked as a part of the UX team to redesign a complex software for thinkstep.com (now Sphera.com)
This project is protected by an NDA.
Sustainability Consulting, Software and Data
Collecting data, dataprocessing, research, interaction- and navigationprinciples, user flows, wireframing, prototyping, user testing.
September 2019 - December 2019
4 months
This project focused on the user to redesign the software interface and to make it easier for users to complete LCA calculations.
To collect data and knowlegde we interviewed both thinkstep imployees and users of the software.
We created an Affinity diagram and collected all the data from interviews and observations. Then all relevant statements are sorted and group to recognize patterns between users. Lastly generate 5-7 key findings presented to the customer.
Producing wireframes and initially a prototype to be tested on relevant users.
During my internship at Kruso I experiend to be an integrated part of a larger workplace while gaining experience from an agency. I was part of the professional and creative UX team from which I learned how to navigate in both creative processes and administrative tasks. In terms of the project on the thinkstep software I was able to use my own experiences in moodboarding, wireframing and prototyping, but I also learned from others in a large part of the process.
I learned a lot from working more extensively with user surveys, data collection and data processing which was a great for me to becoming proficient in recognizing patterns and coincidences between users.
During the internship, I worked extensively with UX conventions, UX design, user flows and design priciples which was a great learning experience.
The prototype was tested on existing users from a big danish company and resulted in positive and constructive feedback.
We recieved quite positive feedback from thinkstep.com, both from the Director of the Nordics, Ulf Gilberg, and from the german headquaters. They both expressed the possibility of developing their product in the direction that the prototype suggests.
Since the prototype is still in a very lowfi version, the new Saas interface design would need more specific details to support the all the different usecases that exists. Furthermore the prototype needs a complete user interface design to make the hierarchy and functions seem more realistic to support the user experience.
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