For my exam of the “Digital content” course, I designed a microshop, evolving around a product of my own choice. I chose to work with disposable cameras since it is a more or less outdated product, and I wanted to display it in a new way. Since we worked with archetypes during the course I aimed this site for the “Outlaw/Rebel”-archetype. As for former projects I used WordPress “Page Builder Framework”, “Elementor” plugin and “YOAST” plugin. AL of the content presented on the site I produced myself.
Wordpress, microshop, SEO, content creation, photography and editing, brand personalities, archetypes
January 2nd - January 12th 2017
COMPLEX WEBSITE / REDESIGN Artmoney This project is a redesign of we made for our 3rd semester exam. Artmoney is for users interested in making art and being able to use it as payment. The redesigned website is about making the concept of Artmoney understandable to new users. It is also about creating a […]
PRODUCT REDESIGN / BRANDING Nestea packaging This was my first assignment during the “Digital content” course, working with archetypes and redesign during a week. I chose ‘creator’ as my archetype and made a resdesign of Nestea ice tea bottle packaging. The mock up to the right shows my result. Details Client Nestea (non official) My […]
REDESIGN OF SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE Innovative User Experience Project During my last semester on KEA I was a User Experience Designer Intern at Kruso where I worked as a part of the UX team to redesign a complex software for (now This project is protected by an NDA. Details Client Sustainability Consulting, Software and Data […]