For my final exam as a multimediadesigner, my study group and I designed and developed a solution for Grønbechs Hotel on Bornholm. The company wanted to offer their guests a unique experience to differentiate themselves from their nearby competitors. Therefore, this solution is a guide with personalized recommendations and favorites from the Grønbechs Hotels personel.
UX, UI, Visual design, Digital Concept, Understanding business
May - June 2018
MICRO WEBSHOP Wine and dine During the “Digital content” course, I designed a microshop, using the WordPress theme “Page Builder Framework” and the “Elementor” plugin. Furthermore I got acquainted with YOAST plugin for SEO. For this site I wrote all of the content and photographed and edited the images myself. I decided to make a […]
COMPLEX WEBSITE / REDESIGN Artmoney This project is a redesign of we made for our 3rd semester exam. Artmoney is for users interested in making art and being able to use it as payment. The redesigned website is about making the concept of Artmoney understandable to new users. It is also about creating a […]
REDESIGN OF SOFTWARE USER INTERFACE Innovative User Experience Project During my last semester on KEA I was a User Experience Designer Intern at Kruso where I worked as a part of the UX team to redesign a complex software for (now This project is protected by an NDA. Details Client Sustainability Consulting, Software and Data […]