Grønbechs Guide

For my final exam as a multimediadesigner, my study group and I designed and developed a solution for Grønbechs Hotel on Bornholm. The company wanted to offer their guests a unique experience to differentiate themselves from their nearby competitors. Therefore, this solution is a guide with personalized recommendations and favorites from the Grønbechs Hotels personel. 



Grønbechs Hotel
Hotel on Bornholm

My Focus

UX, UI, Visual design, Digital Concept, Understanding business

Period of development

May - June 2018


Low tech catalogue

karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, groenbechs, guide, low, tech, catalogue
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, groenbechs, guide, low, tech, catalogue
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, groenbechs, guide, low, tech, catalogue
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, groenbechs, guide, low, tech, catalogue
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, groenbechs, guide, low, tech, catalogue
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, groenbechs, guide, low, tech, catalogue

User Journey

karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, groenbechs, guide, user journey
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, groenbechs, guide, user journey

Logo process

karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, groenbechs, guide, logo, process
karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, groenbechs, guide, logo, process

Custom icon

karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, groenbechs, guide, logo, custom, icon

Business Model Canvas

karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, groenbechs, guide, business, model, canvas


karoline, paarup, portfolio, website, project, groenbechs, guide, sitemap

I'm Karoline.
I'm a Digital Concept Developer.

+45 29 21 46 14

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